Thursday, May 28, 2009

3 days until the main event

Wow. The half marathon is in 3 days. Tomorrow we fly out to San Diego, and then bright and early Sunday morning we run through the city. I'm not as prepared as I would like to be, or as I was maybe 6 weeks ago. There have been ups and downs throughout the training. The longest I have run has been 8 miles, and that was during my peak.

Wish me luck. I will post thoughts and pictures when we return to NYC.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2 weeks and counting

Well the San Diego half marathon is in 2 weeks, and WOW. I did a nice 5 mile run in Prospect Park this morning, with no calf pain. I am feeling good about this, and just ready to do it! I have run 100 miles since the year started, which is 100 times more than I've run in my entire life up to this point. Being 24 has been a very big year for me. Training for a half marathon, and now leasee of my very own NYC studio apartment. Wish me luck in my last 2 weeks.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Home Stretch

A little less than 4 weeks until my marathon. I have avoided running the last week to give my calves a rest. I just have to walk a bit more between runs to make sure they don't get super tight. I have reached my fundraising goal, which is amazing! And now its just all about May 31st. Nothing to stand in my way, except for myself. Wish me luck as I get back in to long runs this weekend.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My legs have failed me

Not to complain, but my knees constantly ache, and my calves were so tight last time I tried to run I couldn't unbend my right knee. I was just hobbling along. Last weekend I did 8 miles. It took me 2 hours and 10 minutes. My knees were sore as they always are after a long run, and don't even get me started on stairs. Wendesday night for group practice we were supposed to run a 5K in Prospect Park, to see how we all progressed. I only made it 6 minutes. And by the time I made it back to the start, most people were finishing.

But I don't want this to get me down. I have 5 weeks and $1000 to raise until San Diego. I just wish my calves would be as excited, and not so fucking TIGHT! Wish me luck.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Week 10: Scotland Run 10K

This morning we did a 10K in Central Park, along with about 8000 other people. I wanted to finish in under an hour and 45 minutes. I finished in 1:44.38. Only 12 people took longer than me. And they were literally packing up the race as I was finishing. Thanks for waiting for us! It was also pouring rain for the entire time. But we got to wear these really awesome ponchos:

There are still 6 more weeks of training before the half-marathon in San Diego. A 10K is 6.2 miles, so basically half of a half-marathon. So at this pace it'll take me 3.5 hours. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 9: Long Run

Even though I was at home in North Carolina this weekend, I still got up Saturday morning and ran 6.5 miles around my brother's neighborhood. It took me an hour to do the first 3 laps and only 54 minutes to do the last 3. I can definitely tell that my stride opens up as I get more in to it, after about 45 minutes I've run through all the pain and can push myself a bit. I had my first GU pack at 45 minutes in, not sure if that boosted my energy or not. The chocolate tasted good, like pudding. The next day my knees and thighs were hurting. And during my short run monday morning I could definitely still feel it.

Only 7 weeks until my half-marathon. I still need to raise $1000. Time to start really pushing with people who have held out thus far. Wish me luck! This weekend is a 10K (6.2 miles) in Central Park. I hope to finish in an hour and 45 minutes.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 9: Hills

So this is my 3rd run back from my "time off." And of course it was group practice, running hills in Prospect Park. My calves are burning. I dragged my feet getting there, tried to make up excuses. But I went and it felt GREAT! It was definitely a workout. We ran uphill for 5 minutes and then walked down. Actually, everyone else sprinted uphill and then jogged back down. But my pace is a bit slower than theirs. Everyone was really encouraging and cheering me on, which was nice. But I think I'm the "special" kid of the class, who eats paste. I don't really know if I should cheer back for them... this whole group thing is very weird. This weekend I will be home in North Carolina for Nicole's bridal shower, but I need to get in at least one short run and one long run of 6-7 miles. Wish me luck!